Ep #145: The Step-by-Step Formula For Creating a Winning Mindset and Massive Fortunes as a Real Estate Investor – with Rod Khleif


Man, do I have a special treat for you guys today. In this episode I’ll be speaking with my long time personal friend and mentor, Rod Khleif.

I can tell you that this episode was way overdue and has been something that Rod and I have been talking about for the past year or so. Well, I can tell you this, whether you’re just getting started as a real estate investor are or already a seasoned pro, I promise that you’ll find huge value in my talk with Rod today. I can tell you that I attribute a substantial portion of my overall success as a business owner and real estate investor to Rod’s personal involvement in my life.

So in todays show we’re going to steer clear from the mechanics of real estate investing and focus on Rod’s personal philosophy of goal setting, visualization, and manifesting success and how we can apply these same practices in our own life.

Rod Khleif – Website

Recommended Resources

  • Download my free success guide, “7 habits of highly successful multi-family investors” by going to KevinBupp.com/guide
  • Schedule your free 30 minute “no obligation” call directly with Kevin by clicking this link https://www.timetrade.com/book/KV2D2
  • Looking to invest in Mobile Home Parks? Want to JV with me on deals? If so, schedule a call with me and let’s talk. Click here https://www.timetrade.com/book/KT36S
  • Grab a free copy of my latest book “The 21 Biggest Mistakes Investors Make When Purchasing their First Mobile Home Park…and how to avoid them MobileHomeParkAcademy.com

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